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Access to information/ Personal Information Files

Personal Information Files


For purposes of its operations, the Commission des services juridiques maintains five personal information files

(A) Employees of the Commission des services juridiques

  1. Name of the file
    • List of the employees of the Commission des services juridiques)
  2. Summary description of the file
    • Information required to manage the human resources employed by the Commission des services juridiques

    Content of the file
  3. Categories of persons to whom the information contained in the file relates
    • Staff
  4. Class(es) of information

    4(a) Principal class:
    • Human resources management

    4(b) Class(es) of information mentioned:
    • Identity
    • Human resources management
  5. Source of the information
    • The staff member concerned

    Use of the file
  6. Purposes for which this information is kept
    • To manage staff and pay wages

  7. Categories of persons who have access to the file in carrying out their duties
    • The Treasury and the Finance Department

    Security measures taken and method used to manage the file

  8. Media used
    • Electronic and paper: Physical files for employees and payroll; Payroll and attendance file preparation software;

  9. Administrative unit(s) in charge of managing the file
    • The Treasury and the Finance Department

  10. Security measures taken to ensure the protection of the information
    • The physical files are kept in a secure filing cabinet located in a locked office accessible with a key
    • The electronic data are protected by access codes known only by the persons in charge of the Treasury and the Finance Department

(B) Lawyers in Private Practice

  1. Name of the file
    • Lawyers in private practice

  2. Summary description of the file
    • List of the lawyers in private practice who accept legal aid mandates

    Content of the file

  3. Categories of persons to whom the information contained in the file relates
    • Lawyers who accept mandates under section 52 of the Legal Aid Act
  4. Class(es) of information

    4(a) Principal class:
    • Identity

    4(b) Class(es) of information mentioned:
    • Financial information

  5. Source of the information
    • From the lawyer concerned and the regional legal aid centres that give out legal aid mandates at the request of clients

    Use of the file

  6. Purposes for which this information is kept
    • To pay the fees of lawyers in private practice who accept legal aid mandates in accordance with section 52 of the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services
  7. Categories of persons who have access to the file in carrying out their duties
    • The Private Practice Fee Approval Department, the Treasury and the Finance Department and the Computer Department

    Security measures taken and method used to manage the file
  8. Media used
    • Paper and electronic: Private practice account payment software; Physical billing and payment files
  9. Administrative units in charge of managing the file
    • The Private Practice Fee Approval Department and the Treasury and the Finance Department

  10. Security measures taken to ensure the protection of the information
    • The physical files are kept in filing cabinets
    • The electronic data are protected by access codes known only by those who work in the Private Practice Fee Approval Department and by authorized staff of the Computer Department.

(C) Clients of the Legal Aid Network

  1. Name of the file
    • Legal aid clients
  2. Summary description of the file
    • Names and identifying information of all persons having applied for legal aid, whether or not the application was accepted

    Content of the file
  3. Categories of persons to whom the information contained in the file relates
    • The individuals or legal persons who have applied for legal aid

  4. Class(es) of information
    4(a) Principal class:
    • Identity

    4(b) Class(es) of information mentioned :
    • Identity
    • Socio-economic, financial and family factors
  5. Source of the information
    • From the person concerned and the regional legal aid centres created under the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services

    Use of the file
  6. Purposes for which this information is kept
    • To verify the legal aid eligibility of a recipient of legal aid
    • To manage the legal aid system
  7. Categories of persons who have access to the file in carrying out their duties
    • The Computer Department, the Private Practice Fee Approval Department and management of the Commission des services juridiques

    Security measures taken and method used to manage the file
  8. Media used
    • Electronic. Client lists are sent to the Commission des services juridiques by the regional legal aid centres through the replication of data in the secure virtual private network.
  9. Administrative unit(s) in charge of managing the file
    • The Computer Department

  10. Security measures taken to ensure the protection of the information
    • The computer data are confidential pursuant to the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services and the Code of ethics of advocates and these electronic data are accessible only by authorized staff of the Computer Department.

(D) Suppliers of the Commission des services juridiques

  1. Name of the file
    • Suppliers of the Commission des services juridiques
  2. Summary description of the file
    • Names and identifying information of all persons and firms that are suppliers of the Commission des services juridiques

    Content of the file
  3. Categories of persons to whom the information contained in the file relates
    • The individuals or legal persons who have delivered or provided goods or services to the Commission des services juridiques
  4. Class(es) of information

    4(a) Principal class:
    • Identity

    4(b) Class(es) of information mentioned:
    • Financial
  5. Source of the information
    • The person concerned or a private organization

    Use of the file
  6. Purposes for which this information is kept
    • To archive purchase orders, invoices and notices of payment
  7. Categories of persons who have access to the file in carrying out their duties
    • Members of the Treasury and the Finance Department and the Computer Department

    Security measures taken and method used to manage the file
  8. Media used
    • Electronic and paper: Invoice payment software; Physical billing and payment files;

  9. Administrative unit(s) in charge of managing the file
    • The Treasury and the Finance Department

  10. Security measures taken to ensure the protection of the information 
    • The physical files are kept in filing cabinets
    • The electronic data are protected by access codes known only by those who work in the Treasury and the Finance Department and by authorized staff of the Computer Department

(E) Lawyers in private practice – Provision of certain other legal services

  1. Name of the file
    • Lawyers in private practice – Provision of certain other legal services

  2. Summary description of the file
    • Public list of the lawyers in private practice who have agreed to provide their services to persons referred to in sections 61.1 and 83.1 of the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services (Act)

    Content of the file

  3. Category of persons to whom the information contained in the file relates
    • Lawyers in private practice who have agreed to provide their services to persons referred to in sections 61.1 and 83.1 of the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services (Act)

  4. Class of information

    4(a) Principal class:
    • Identity

    4(b) Class(es) of information mentioned:
    • Information about professional qualifications

  5. Source of the information
    • From the lawyer in question

    Use of the file

  6. Purposes for which this information is kept
    • To allow the Commission des services juridiques to provide an accused with the professional services of a lawyer within the scope of Chapter III of the Act respecting legal aid and the provision of certain other legal services

  7. Categories of persons who have access to the file in carrying out their duties
    • Employees from the Department for the management of certain services other than legal aid and from the Computer department

    Security measures taken and method used to manage the file

  8. Media used
    • Paper and electronic
    • Physical file of the list of lawyers and electronic files

  9. Administrative unit in charge of managing the file
    • The Department for the management of certain services other than legal aid

  10. Security measures taken to ensure the protection of the information
    • The list is kept in filing cabinets
    • The electronic data are protected by access codes known only by those who work in the Department for the management of certain services other than legal aid and by authorized personnel from the Computer department

(F) Experts

  1. Name of the file
    • Experts whose services are paid for by the Commission des services juridiques and the regional legal aid centres.

  2. Summary description of the file
    • Name and identification of every expert and firm of experts whose services are paid for by the Commission des services juridiques or the regional legal aid centres.

    Content of the file

  3. Category of persons to whom the information contained in the file relates
    • The individuals or legal persons who prepared or carried out expert assessments at the request of the Commission des services juridiques and the regional legal aid centres

  4. Class of information

    4(a) Principal class:
    • Identity

    4(b) Class(es) of information mentioned:
    • Financial

  5. Source of the information
    • From the person in question or a regional legal aid centre

    Use of the file

  6. Purposes for which this information is kept
    • Archiving of bills and payment notices and for reference purposes, where applicable

  7. Categories of persons who have access to the file in carrying out their duties
    • Employees in the Treasury and Finance Departments, the Computer Department and the Private Practice Fee Approval Department, and management of the Commission des services juridiques

    Security measures taken and method used to manage the file

  8. Media used
    • Paper and electronic
    • Physical file of the list of experts and electronic file

  9. Administrative unit in charge of managing the file
    • The Treasury and Finance Departments as well as the Private Practice Fee Approval Department

  10. Security measures taken to ensure the protection of the information
    • The list is kept in filing cabinets
    • Electronic data are protected by access codes known only by those who work in the Treasury and Finance Departments and by authorized staff of the Computer Department and the Private Practice Fee Approval Department 

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© Commission des services juridiques Création: Diane Laurin - 2017