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Commission/ Robert-Sauvé Award

Robert-Sauvé Award


Winners 2010

Montreal, November 5, 2010. - On November 4, 2010, in Longueuil, Me Denis Roy, Chairman of the Commission des services juridiques, proudly handed out the 2010 Robert-Sauvé Awards. The winner in the General Public category is Me Charles Clément, a lawyer and member of the Barreau de Laval. The award in the Network category was conferred on Me Raymond Gagnon, retired Director General of the Community Legal Centre of Québec.

« General Public » category

Me Charles Clément

Photo: Paul Ducharme

Me Me Denis Roy, chairman of the Commission des services juridiques, Mrs Diane Clement, who accepted the award on behalf of her father, Me Charles Clément, recipient of the Robert-Sauvé - General Public award, and Me Johanne T
Me Charles Clément
Me Charles Clément has been a lawyer for 55 years. Throughout his career, Me Clément has been committed to providing legal services to disadvantaged persons. He has always been willing to represent the least fortunate in our society, doing so attentively and with respect, without ever considering their ability to pay, even in complicated and difficult cases requiring a great deal of his time. Me Clément considers that every individual has the right to be properly represented, regardless of his or her means. Me Clément has served the most disadvantaged individuals within our community for many years with competence, generosity and altruism—truly a remarkable and exceptional contribution to the law and to Québec society.

« Legal Aid Network » category

Me Raymond Gagnon

Photo: Paul Ducharme

Me Me Denis Roy, chairman of the Commission des services juridiques and Me Raymond A. Gagnon, recipient of the Robert-Sauvé – Network award
Me Raymond Gagnon/b>
Robert Sauvé
To find out more
© Commission des services juridiques Création: Diane Laurin - 2017