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Legal Information/ Justice for all

Justice for all

« Justice pour tous » is the longest-running television series devoted entirely to the topic of justice. The series, which was created by Me Louis-Paul Allard and consists of 428 episodes of 30 minutes each (except for a few special episodes of 60 or 90 minutes), was broadcast between 1978 and 1996 on the TVA and TQS networks.

The series was designed to satisfy the public’s interest in programs of a legal nature.

We are fortunate to have featured a number of actors who were just starting their careers and have since become well-known celebrities!

As part of the legal aid network’s 40th anniversary, the Commission des services juridiques has decided to make a few of the episodes available for your entertainment.

WARNING: Please note that the legal information contained in the “Justice pour tous” episodes may no longer be up to date.

Under no circumstances should this legal information be used to decide on legal measures to be taken in situations similar to those presented in the episodes.

The Commission des services juridiques will not be held liable towards any user or towards any other person for any damages whatsoever (whether direct or indirect) arising from the full or partial use of the information broadcast during the “Justice pour tous” episodes or any decision made or other measure taken by the user or by any other person as a result of using the information broadcast during the episodes or on the basis of the information contained therein, nor will it be held liable for any unauthorized use or reproduction of the “Justice pour tous” episodes, the whole even if the Commission des services juridiques was informed of the possibility of such damages or of the possible use liable to give rise to such damages.

The user assumes all risks which arise or may arise from the use of the information contained in the « Justice pour tous » episodes.

The reproduction of all or part of the episodes, under any form whatsoever, whether electronic or otherwise, for any purpose other than personal use is prohibited without the prior written authorization of the Commission des services juridiques.

We strongly recommend that anyone with a problem of a legal nature contact the legal aid office nearest their home in order to check their eligibility for legal aid and obtain information about their rights and recourses.

Lastly, we invite you to check this page from time to time, because episodes will be added on a regular basis.  

Television Episodes (In French only)

Louis-Paul Allard
© Commission des services juridiques Création: Diane Laurin - 2017