Reserved site for lawyers and notaries in private practice
Réservé aux avocats, aux avocates et aux notaires de la pratique privée
Enter your user code (ex: P12345 or N12345) and password
Enter the user code that was provided to you by email following your registration request.

Two passwords have been sent to you.

The first password gives a limited access allowing you only to process billing data, no access to statements and to direct deposit registration form.

The second password gives you unlimited access to your billing, statement, R-27 slip and direct deposit registration form. It is your responsability to keep this password confidential.
Information about your user code and password. Info sur le code d'utilisateur et le mot de passe
Code d'utilisateur
Mot de passe
Check the box « I am not a robot »
Reserved site for lawyers and notaries in private practice
Facturation des mandats d'aide juridique
Enter your user code (ex: P12345 or N12345) and password
Code d'utilisateur
Mot de passe
Check the box « I am not a robot »
Public/Private keys not provided for Captcha control. You can get your keys from Google Recaptcha
Warning! The version for mobiles of less than 668 pixels gives you limited access to the online billing system, allowing you to view your statement of account only. To access all system features, please use a larger media.



The Commission des services juridiques offers private practice lawyers an online billing service for the legal aid mandates. From this system, you can prepare and submit your billing (claim fees, disbursements or mileage), edit your profile, view your account statement or R-27 slip and send your supporting documents online .

To have access to this online billing system, you must be a lawyer or notary who has already obtained a legal aid mandate.

In order to obtain a user code and a personalized password, you must send us a registration request by clicking on the « Subscription request » tab.