Help - Billing of legal aid mandates


The Commission des services juridiques offers private practice lawyers and notaries an online billing service. You can prepare and submit your billing (claim fees, disbursements or mileage), edit your profile and view your account statement.

Online billing uses a Encryption algorithm with 128-bit encryption for the transmission of billing information.

To access this online billing system, you must be a lawyer or notary who has already obtained a legal aid mandate

In order to obtain a user code and a personalized password, you must send us an registration request by clicking on the 'Subscription request' link of the Billing of Legal Aid Mandates Homepage.

It is recommended to use Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari browsers. Adobe Reader is also required to access your invoices and payment notices.
  • User guide
  • (French version only)
    Auteur: Commission des services juridiques    2018-06-26


    Skip Navigation Links.

    Vers le haut To log in

    The Connection page gives you access to the online billing of the Commission des services juridiques.

    You must enter your User code and Password that have been sent to you by email.

    User code: Please enter your user code
    Password: The Commission has sent you two passwords:

    1. Password 1 gives limited access allowing you only to process billing data, no access to statements and direct deposit registration form;
    2. Password 2 gives you unlimited access to your Account Statement, RL-27 slip, Direct Deposit registration Form and Online Billing Form. It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of this password.
    If you have forgotten your password, click on the Forgot your password? As a security measure you must provide us with:
    1. Your lawyer number of the CSJ
    2. Your year of registration to Barreau or the Chamber des Notaires

    Select the 'I'm not a robot' check box and click on the 'Submit' button. An email will be sent directly to the Commission des services juridiques which will reset your password.

    If you have not provided your year of registration, you will need to send an email to requesting a password reset and provide the year of registration.

    Vers le haut Subscription request

    To access the Billing of Legal mandates system, you must be a lawyer or notary who has already obtained a legal aid mandate. In order to obtain a user code and your passwords, you must complete the following Application for Subscrition form:

    Application for registration to the billing of legal aid mandates

    Fields to fill:

    1. Lawyer / Notary code: Code assigned to the lawyer or notary by the Commission des services juridiques when obtaining the mandate
    2. Surname: Name of the lawyer or notary
    3. Given name: First name of the lawyer or notary
    4. Email: Email of the lawyer or notary
    5. Email confirmation: E-mail of the lawyer or notary.
    6. Phone: Telephone of the lawyer or notary
    7. Year of registration to the Barreau or the Chambre des notaires. This data is used as a security measure
    8. Bar or the Chambre des notaires member no: Number assigned by the Barreau du Québec or the Chambre des notaires du Québec

    Check the confirmation box: I agree that user ID and passwords will be sent to the email address mentioned above

    Check the 'I'm not a robot' box (for security reasons)

    Click on the 'Submit' button to submit your application.

    An email will be sent to the Commission des services juridiques. Allow a few working days.

    Vers le haut User agreement

    Restricted access

    The Commission des services juridiques (CSJ) Legal Aid Mandates Billing system is a restricted site. Only lawyers and notaries in private practice who wish to bill the CSJ through this system for services rendered under the Legal Aid Act and its regulations may have access to it. 

    Violation of this provision may result in legal action  

    The user code and passwords are strictly personal and confidential. It is therefore forbidden to transmit or share them with another person .

    Vers le haut Direct Deposit Registration


    The home page is displayed when you are logged in to the Billing of Legal Aid Mandates system. Your name appears on the top right to indicate that your profile is connected. The page displays the menu that gives you access to billing, statements, your profile and direct deposit registration.

    At any time you can click on the logo at the top left to return to the home page.


    On the homepage, you have an overview of the last two information about the Billing of Legal Aid Mandates Online system.

    Click on the title or on the link 'PLUS' to have the complete information. The link redirects you to the INFOS page.


    Various documents (in french only) are available on the home page containing relevant information to help billing including:

    • Tarif Notaires: Entente intervenue entre le ministre de la justice et la chambre des notaires du Québec sur les conditions d'exercice, le mode de règlement des différends et le tarif des honoraires pour les services rendus dans le cadre de la loi sur l'aide juridique et sur la prestation de certains autres services juridiques;
    • Tarif Morcelé 2007: Liste des tarifs pour les mandats émis entre le 1er avril 2007 et le 31 mars 2010;
    • Tarif Morcelé 2010: Entente entre le Ministre de la justice et le Barreau du Québec concernant le tarif des honoraires des avocats dans le cadre des services juridiques prévus au paragraphe 1.1 de l'article 4.7 de la Loi sur l'aide juridique et sur la prestation de certains autres services juridiques concernant la procédure de règlement des différends pour les mandats émis après le 1er avril 2010;
    • Concordance 2007:  Table permettant d'établir la concordance entre les articles du tarif 2007 et le tarif 2010;
    The Direct Deposit Registration Form allows you to join online direct deposit and receive your fees and disbursements directly into your bank account.

    You MUST provide us with your check sample to proceed with the online billing.

    To fill out the form:

    All fields are mandatory.

    1. Reply security questions:

    • Year of registration to the Barreau or the Chambre des Notaires (This information is used for security purposes.If you did not enter your registration year in your profile, you must enter it in your profile before register for direct deposit, short time will be required for the Legal Services Board to process the information).
    • Number of members of the Bar or the Chamber of Notaries (This information is used for security purposes.If you did not enter your member number in your profile, you must enter it in your profile before proceeding. registration for direct deposit - short time will be required for the Commission des services juridiques to process the information).
    • Secret question: The security question you chose in your profile. If no questions appear on the screen, you have not yet chosen your question in your profile. Go to your profile, select the secret question, enter the answer to the question and click on the 'Submit' button. You can then return to the direct deposit registration form and fill out the form.

    2. Take a picture of your cheque, save it to your computer and click the Browse button to select it;
    3. Select the check box for consent;
    4.Check the box I am not a robot;
    5.Click the Submit button.

    An e-mail is then sent directly to the Commission des services juridiques which will proceed with the processing within a short time.

    As soon as the form is sent, you will automatically have access to online billing.

    Vers le haut Prepare an invoice

    To create a new invoice for a mandate that has never been paid or declined, or to complete an outstanding invoice that has not been submitted, you must click the Billing -> Preparation menu.

    Creating a new invoice

    1. Enter a mandate number (RR-BB-NNNNNNNN-NN) and click the "Prepare the  Invoice" button. The mandate number is composed of:
    • RR = Region Number
    • BB = Office number
    • N = Casenumber (the Case number is the number entered in the Case No box of your mandate, on the second line if necessary)

    The region number, the office number and the case number must be separated by a dash.

    Two numbers is enter in the Case No box
    If there are two numbers listed, in the case No box of your mandate, please take the one on the 2nd line. For the Montreal area, it begins with a letter.
    You can enter the first 14 characters of the mandate number (ex: 18-01-12345678) and the system will display the last image corresponding to the mandate.

    Conditions applied

    1. Is the mandate format valid?
    2. Is it a valid mandate number?
    3. Is this the last image of the mandate?
    4. Were previous versions already processed or paid?
    5. Is the mandate image already billed?
    6. Is the invoice already submitted?
    7. Is the mandate already dealt with?

    If the system does not find the mandate, check the following items and your Attestation of Eligibility and Mandate document: 
    1. The mandate number is registered;
    2. This attestation is regular and unconditional;
    3. The mandate is in your name and with the correct lawyer's code;
    4. The date of the mandate may be too recent and the Commission has not yet received it;

    Invoices not submitted

    This option allows you to complete an invoice that you have put on hold and that has not been submitted. A backup is created automatically as soon as you open an invoice so you will not lose anything if you leave the invoice at any time.

    1. To modify an invoice not submitted, click on the corresponding mandate number in the grid;
    2. To delete an invoice not submitted, click on the right red x in the grid on the line corresponding to the mandate number;


    If you only want to send supporting documents, you do not need to make a new invoice. Simply send your invoice documents from the Billing-> Supporting Documents form or by fax with the transmission slip.

    Please note that invoices not submitted to the Commission will be kept for a period of 30 days. If you want to keep an invoice longer, just access it again. You will receive a message 5 days before the destruction of the backup.

    Vers le haut Revise an invoice

    Reviewing an invoice allows you to submit or complete a revision for an already paid or refused  invoice for which you want to claim new fees or disbursements.

    Submit a revision

    1. Enter the invoice number (ex: WP1234567890) and click the "Create a Revision" button. The invoice number is composed of the following format:
    • 1st and 2nd characters: Alphabetical
    • 3rd to 12th character: Numeric

    Do not put the suffix -00. You can enter the first 2 characters of the invoice number (ex: WP, WM or WN) and the system will display all your invoices already submitted. Then you only have to select an invoice from the drop-down list.

    Revisions not submitted

    1. To modify a non submitted revision, click on the corresponding invoice number in the grid;
    2. To delete a non submitted revision, click on the right red x in the grid on the line corresponding to the invoice number;

    Conditions applied

    1. Is the invoice format valid?
    2. Is the invoice number is being prepared?
    3. Is the invoice exists?
    4. Does the mandate exist?

    If the system does not find the invoice:
    1. Check if the invoice number is well written
    2. The invoice is not at your name


    If you only want to send supporting documents, you do not need to make a new invoice. Simply send your documents from the Billing-> Supporting Documents form or by fax with the transmission slip.

    Please note that revisions not submitted to the Commission will be kept for a period of 30 days. If you want to keep these revisions longer, just access them again. You will receive a message 5 days before the destruction of the backup.

    Vers le haut Print an invoice

    At any time, you can reprint a slip or invoice already submitted.

    To print:

    1. Enter the invoice number (ex: WP1234567890-11) The invoice number is composed of the following format: 1st and 2nd character: Alphabetical, 3rd to 12th character: Numeric, 14th character: Dash, 15th to 16th character: Digital; 
      • Do not forget to put the suffix -00.
      • You can enter the first 2 characters of the invoice number (ex: WP) and the system will display all your invoices already submitted. Then you only have to select an invoice from the drop-down list.
    2. Select the checkbox  Slip and/or Invoice 
    3. Click the Print button

    If the system does not find the invoice, check the following:

    1.The invoice number is registered;
    2.The invoice is not at your name;

    If the copy does not appear:

    1. You must allow pop-ups (contextual) to be displayed; See the rubric  View the invoice in your browser
    2. You do not have Adobe Reader

    Vers le haut Send supporting documents

    The Sending of supporting documents form allows you to attach documents or add additional information to your invoice.

    At any time, you can send your supporting douments for an invoice already submitted. On the other hand it is preferable that the supporting documents are sent at the same time as your invoice in order to avoid that your invoice is refused due to missing documents.

    To send your documents:

    1. Enter the invoice number (ex: WP1234567890-11) The invoice number is composed of the following format: 1st and 2nd character: Alphabetical, 3rd to 12th character: Numeric, 14th character: Dash, 15th to 16th character: Digital.
      • Do not forget to put the suffix -00;
      • You can enter the first 2 characters of the invoice number (ex: WP) and the system will display all your invoices already submitted. Then you only have to select an invoice from the drop-down list;
    2. Click the button "Access the form" to open the form for sending supporting documents;
    If the system does not find the invoice, check the following: 
    1. The invoice number is registered;
    2. The invoice is not at your name;

    Invoices submitted for the last 52 weeks:

    1. The grid displays all your submitted invoices for the last 52 weeks. The number of files sent for an invoice appears in the last column "Nbr files sent".
    2. In the grid, click on the desired invoice number to open the form for sending supporting documents and send documents for this invoice;

    Form allowing you to attach documents or add information to your invoice.
    You can include several files in a shipment and write a note if necessary.

    Follow these steps to send your supporting documents:

    1. Click the 1-Select Files button and choose your files on your computer. You can select multiple files at once and click the open button; When the selection is complete a new button will appear 2-Download documents;
    2. Click the 2-Download documents button and wait for the download to finish. A grid named Downloaded Files will appear with downloaded files and sizes;
    3. Enter a note if necessary. If your text exceeds 1000 characters, use a Word document and attach it as an attachment;
    4. Click the 3-Submit button; Wait for the compression and sending of the files to be completed. You can see the progression in the green progress bar at the bottom of the screen.
    5. When sending is completed, you will receive a confirmation message "Mail sent".
    6. An email will be sent to the Billing of legal aid mandates system with all attached files and a copy of the email will be sent to you along with the attachment list;

    If you want to send a note without an attachment, write it in a Word document and attach it as an attachment. Write in the Note box that the Word document contains your text.

    If you would like to send new documents to the same invoice, click on the Send again documents this invoice.

    If you would like to send documents for another invoice, click on the Send documents for another invoice.

    Vers le haut View the invoice (or other PDF file) in the browser

    1. Click on the padlock in the address bar
    2. Click on Site Settings
    3. Select  « Allow » for Popups
    1. Click the Tools icon (gear wheel) on the bar at the top right and select "Internet Options"
    2. Select the "Privacy" tab
    3. On Submit pop-ups, click "Settings"
    4. Add the address in the authorized sites and click on the Close button
    1. Click on the "Safari" link in the browser menu at the top of the screen
    2. Select "Preferences" to open the "General Preferences" window
    3. Click on the "Security" item.
    4. Clear the "Block pop-ups" checkbox.
    1. Click on the three-line icon (Open menu) on the bar at the top right
    2. Select "Add-ons"
    3. Click Plugins and enable Adobe Acrobat
    1. Click on the 3 points right in the address bar
    2. Click on "Settings"
    3. Click on "Show advanced settings"
    4. Disable "Block pop-ups

    Vers le haut Mandate

    This page displays the information for the selected mandate. It is divided into 2 sections.

    General Information

    The first section contains information that comes directly from the mandate and that can not be changed:
    • Name and address of the applicant
    • CCJ Case number
    • Sequence No
    • Court Case No
    • Mandate entrusted to the name of C.C.J. by
    • Code
    • Type
    • Mandate date
    • Case opened on
    • Closed on
    • Nature and purpose of the mandate

    Additional information

    The second section presents the elements that you can complete: 
    • Your case number: appears in the account statement under Ref :;
    • Additional court case numbers: to be added only if the plumitive is different or the cause does not appear on the mandate;
      • Important! If you have several additional court case numbers, you must separate your numbers by a semicolon (ex: 12345; 67890)

    Enter the information if necessary and click on the 'Save' button


    If the mandate is of a matrimonial nature and the Court case No is missing, if you have this information please enter it in the Additional Information in No Court Case (appearing in red).

    Vers le haut Fees

    This page allows you to claim fees for services rendered for the selected mandate.

    Note that the fee rate is determined by the date of opening of the mandate (Opened on).

    It is based on the Agreement between the Minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec concerning the fees and disbursements of lawyers under the legal aid plan and the dispute resolution procedure in force on the date opening of your mandate.

    To add fees:

    1. Date: Enter the date of the service in the format (YYYY-MM-DD) or click on the calendar image and select the date in the calendar. The date can not be earlier than the Open date of the mandate or later than the current date;
    2. List of Fees: Select a code of fees from the List of fees drop-down list. The amount will be displayed automatically in the Amount column. The amount is the tariff of the code of fees before taxes;
    3. Amount: If no fee is available for the fee code or the fee code is D-H Special Consideration or N.T. Non-Fee Service, a text box will be displayed in the Amount column. You must enter the amount in the text box. The amount is the tariff before taxes;
    4. Add button: Click the + button. Fees are transferred to the Fee List grid;

    Fee schedule

    The fee list grid displays all the fees entered for the invoice.

    To delete a code of fees: To delete a code of fees, click on the red X to the right in the column Delete on the line corresponding to the code of fees to be removed.

    Totals Grids

    • Total fees: Total amount before taxes of the fees claimed
    • Total amount claimed: Total amount claimed from the invoice, before taxes, including fees, disbursements and mileage.


    1. For a special request (D-H) or non-tariffed (NT) service, you must complete the Comments section.
    2. The added fees are saved automatically if they appear in the table below.
    3. To obtain the list of current tariff codes, please consult the documents listed on the homepage of our Billing of Legal Aid Mandates (French version only):
      • Tarif Notaires
      • Tarif Morcelé 2007
      • Tarif Morcelé 2010
      • Concordance 2007 (tableau liant l'ancien tarif de 2007 avec celui de 2010)


    Vers le haut disbursements

    This page allows you to claim disbursements you incurred for the selected mandate.

    Note that the date of disbursement must be after the date of opening of the mandate (Opened on) and before or equal to today's date.

    To add a disbursement:

    1. Date: Enter the date of disbursement in the format (YYYY-MM-DD) or click on the calendar image and select the date in the calendar. The date can not be earlier than the Opening date of the mandate or later than the current date;
    2. Disbursement List: Select a disbursement from the Disbursements List drop-down list.
    3. Amount: Enter the amount in the text box. The amount is the disbursement before taxes;
    4. Add button: Click the + button. Disbursements are transferred to the Disbursement List grid;

    List of disbursements

    The disbursements grid displays all disbursements entered for the invoice.

    Deleting a disbursement: To delete a disbursement, click on the red X on the right in the Delete column on the line corresponding to the disbursement to be deleted.

    Totals Grids

    • Total disbursements: Total amount before taxes of disbursements claimed
    • Total amount claimed: Total amount claimed from the invoice, before taxes, including fees, disbursements and mileage.


    • For "Frais administratif" (FA) after 2014, you must enter a minimum amount of $ 50 and a multiple of 50;
    • If you are claiming a disbursement that does not appear in the disbursements list, you can use "AUTRES DEBOURS" (99), but you must complete the Comments section;

    Vers le haut Mileage

    This page allows you to enter mileage charges for travel.

    To add mileage charges

    1. Date: Enter the date of travel in the format (YYYY-MM-DD) or click on the calendar image and select the date in the calendar.
      • The date can not be earlier than the opening date of the mandate (Opened on) or later than the current date;
    2. Origine: By default, your origin city is selected from the Origin drop-down list. If no city is selected or if you want to change the city of origin, select the city from the Origin list;
      • The city of origin is determined from the city listed under Ref. Mileage in your profile and distances are determined based on that city. If you change your address in the profile, please make sure that the city of reference represents the new address.
    3. Destination: Select the destination city.
      • If the city of origin or destination does not appear in the drop-down lists, please claim your mileage in the Comments page.
    4. Rate: When you have selected the date, your city of origin and your city of destination, the rate is displayed according to the rate in effect on the date entered.
      • The rate used will be the one in effect during the trip and is calculated automatically for a round trip.
    5. Distance: If the distance exists between the two cities selected in the application settings, the distance will be displayed in the Distance column. If there is no distance in the application settings, enter the corresponding distance between the two selected cities for a round trip;
    6. Amount: The amount is the distance between the two selected cities multiplied by the rate in effect during the trip. The amount is the amount of the trip before taxes;
    7. Add button: Click the + button. The mileage will be transferred to the List of mileage grid;

    List of kilometers

    The list of mileage grid displays all mileage entries for the invoice.

    Delete a mileage: To delete a mileage, click on the red X on the right in the Delete column on the line corresponding to the mileage to be deleted.

    Totals Grids

    • Total mileage: Total amount before taxes of mileage claimed.
    • Total amount claimed: Total amount claimed from the invoice, before taxes, including fees, disbursements and mileage.

    Vers le haut comments

    This page allows you to specify and add additional billing information that will help the approver to approve your bill.

    You must fill in the Comments page if you claim:

    1. Non-tariffed service (N.T.);
    2. Exceeding fees or a request for special consideration (D-H);
    4. A mileage with a city not available in the drop-down list;


    • You have a maximum of 6,000 characters for your comment;
    • Please avoid using layout codes (bold, font, style, etc.);

    Vers le haut Submit the invoice


    This page allows you to submit your bill to the Commission des services juridiques.


    The Information section gives you information on the mandate and the Invoice Number (if revision).


    The summary table allows you to verify the amounts claimed in each section: 

    • Total fees: Amount before taxes of the fees claimed;
    • Total disbursements: Total amount before taxes of disbursements expenses claimed;
    • Total mileage: Total amount before taxes of the mileage claimed;
    • Total amount claimed: Total amount claimed before taxes from the Fees, Disbursements and Mileage pages;


    This section is intended for lawyers and notaries who are registered with Revenu Québec's GST and QST files.

    The table allows you to change tax numbers if they are different from your profile for this bill.

    1. Remove Taxes: If you wish to delete your tax numbers, click the "Remove Tax number" button. The taxes will be automatically set to 0 and the grand total claimed will be recalculated.
    2. To enter new tax numbers: Enter the new tax numbers in the GST and QST No text boxes and click Tab on your keyboard. The system will automatically save the data and the tax amounts will be recalculated if necessary;
    3. To Retrieve tax Numbers from your profile: To retrieve profile tax numbers, click the "Retrieve tax numbers from profile" button. The system will retrieve the tax numbers from the profile and recalculate the taxes automatically;

    The transmission slip must be included in all your shipments of supporting documents that are sent by fax.

    It is very important that you always put this slip on the first page of all your shipments whether for an original invoice, for a revision or simply for sending supporting documents.

    When receiving your shipment to the Commission, it is not printed but is processed by software that reads the bar code on the form and then sends the parts to the correct invoice.

    If you have not used our slip, the processing will be done manually and the processing of the supporting doucments could be delayed as well as the payment of your invoice.

    The transmission slip contains the billing references that allow us to attach the received documents to the invoice you sent.

    Each invoice must have a separate shipment for its attachments.

    It is always possible to reprint a copy of the slip from the Billing -> Printing page

    Vers le haut Account Statement

    This page displays the account statement of all your invoices processed in the last 48 months.

    Take note that your account statement is only accessible with the second password you received by email. If you access the account statement with the first password, a message will be displayed on the screen advising you to use the second password.

    Information available in the statement grid. Invoices are sorted in chronological order by invoice date, from most recent to oldest. Each column can be sorted, just click on the header of the column to have an ascending sort or descending sort.

    1. Invoice No.: Number of the invoice. To access your payment notification, click on the invoice number link in blue. If the invoice number is black, the invoice has not yet been processed by the approver.
    2. Applicant: Name of the person claiming legal action.
    3. Mandate No.: Mandate number found on the Certificate of Eligibility and Mandate document consisting of the region number, office number and case number.
    4. Invoice date: Date the invoice was received by the Commission des services juridiques.
    5. Claimed: Amount requested from the Commission des services juridiques.
    6. Paid: If the invoice has been processed and the status is "Paid", it corresponds to the amount paid in full or in part by the Commission des services juridiques.
    7. Deposit No.: If the invoice has been processed and the status is 'Paid', it corresponds to the direct deposit reference number;
    8. Status: The status of an invoice indicates its level of processing. The following statuses are possible: 
    • Invoice submitted: The invoice has been posted online, the information has been received but not processed. 
    • In process: The approval process is started. 
    • Suspense: The approval process is interrupted because the approver is missing information. 
    • Paid: The approval process is completed, the invoice has been processed by the approver and, depending on the case, paid in full or in part. 
    • Notice: The invoice was refused by the approver

          9. Comments: To display the comment in full, move the mouse over the text of the column 'Comments'

    Payment notifications are available only from your statement of account. All invoices paid or declined for the same processing date are grouped in a PDF document (Adobe Reader). The first page is the summary of the invoices processed for this date and the following pages represent the payment or refusal notice for each of these invoices. The notice details the fees, disbursements and mileage paid or denied, as well as the approver's comment, if any, for the invoice.

    To view the payment notification in the account statement, click on the invoice number link that appears in blue.

    If the document does not display after clicking the link 

    1. Your browser does not display pop-ups. See View the invoice in the browser;
    2. Check that the processing date of the document is equal to or less than the current date;

    N.B. We recommend that you save the payment notifications on your workstation because only the last 48 months' notices are available .:

    To save: 
    •  Right-click and select 'Save As';
    •  Select the location of the backup and click the 'Save' button

    To print:
    • In the menu that appears at the top of the payment notice, click the printer icon on the right;
    • The print window will be displayed on the screen. Click on the 'OK' button

    Vers le haut Statement 27

    RL-27 slip is produced by the Commission des services juridiques for your income tax return. The grid displays your RL-27 slips for the years beginning in 2017 when you received payments of more than $ 1,000.

    Take note that your RL-27 slip is only accessible with the second password you received by email. If you access the RL-27 slip with the first password, a message will be displayed on the screen advising you to use the second password.

    To view the RL-27 slip:
    • Click on the link that appears in blue in the RL-27 slip column for the desired year;
    • RL-27 slip will be displayed on the screen;

    If the document does not display after clicking the link 
    1. Your browser does not display pop-ups. See View the invoice in the browser;

    To save: 
    • Right-click and select 'Save As';
    • Select the location of the backup and click the 'Save' button

    To print:
    • In the menu that appears at the top of the payment notice, click the printer icon on the right;
    • The print window will be displayed on the screen. Click on the 'OK' button

    Vers le haut Profile

    This page displays the information for the payment of your invoices.

    You can update your profile from this page and submit changes.
    • For security reasons, please note that changes to your profile will be verified by the Commission before being officially changed;
    • Your profile information will be used for all your invoices;

    Name: Your name and surname

    Social Insurance Number: The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number

    Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Telephone, Fax:
    The coordinates of your work desk

    Other phone: Additional phone number (cell)

    E-mail: Address for the transmission of written messages and documents sent electronically by the Commission.

    City ref. mileage: The city entered in this box serves as a reference for the calculation of mileage related to travel. The list of cities provided in the mileage section of the billing is defined from this reference.

    This latest information will be used in security matters when registering for the Billing of legal aid mandates or when registering for direct deposit. 

    Year of registration to the Barreau or the Chambre des notaires: The year your registration to th Barreau or the Chambre des notaires.

    Membership number to the Barreau or the Chambre des notaires: Your membership number awarded by the Barreau or the Chambre des notaires

    Secret question: Select a secret question.
    Reply: Enter an answer to your secret question that you will not have trouble remembering. 
    Sales tax
    You will not have to enter your tax information in each of your invoices since once they are registered here, they will automatically appear on the invoice;
    If you wish to temporarily change the GST / QST information for an invoice, you can do it directly in the invoice on the Billing -> Bill -> Submit tab.

    Firm: Name under which the tax numbers are registered

    GST Number: A GST number assigned to you by Revenue Canada. Only the first nine digits must be entered. Do not enter letters. It is not a social insurance number, a consumer number, or a certificate number.

    QST #: QST number assigned to you by Revenu Québec. Only the first ten digits must be entered for the QST number and it does not contain TQ letters.